I apologize for the time between my last post to this one since my computer has been rather inconsistent as of late - starting up and working, then starting up and freezing! It has been quite a battle! Luckily I backed up all my pictures, was finally able to find a computer to use, and can now share with you more Montreal Eats, Toronto eats & some new ones you may not have tried around Edmonton! So, going back to Montreal. After the market we hit up my latest favorite french dessert/snack - macarons at La Maison du Macaron. The shop is quite small and tucked away off a main street on Rue de la Roche. However, once inside you're greeted with a macaron tree, huge macarons (see below!), and rows upon rows of various flavoured macarons! I was in macaron heaven!!  |
huge macarons! |
Of course samples make it even better! |
Look at those pied! |
Since I was after all in a macaron house, I had to pick up a box for my family. I picked up Noisette (hazelnut), Pistache (pistachio), Citron (lemon), Fruit de la Passion (passion fruit), Chocolat au lait (Milk Chocolate), and Framboise (raspberry). One box of 6 macarons was $8. Next stop after sweets is something salty! On the way to our next food destination, we stopped by St. Viateur Bagel and picked up a dozen fresh hot bagels to bring home. Despite the bagels' freshness beckoning to us, we were stuffed - mainly from lunch at the market and eating a good plate of samples at the macaron house! |
One of the many famous St. Viateur Bagel cafes |
Bagels all ready to be bought & eaten hot! |
With warm bagels in hand we quickly hopped on the subway to one of the Juliette et Chocolate shops. The rain was coming down fairly hard by then, but that didn't dampen our spirits as we were anticipating some yummy crepes & chocolate. We were definitely not disappointed! Below is our milk chocolate, banana & strawberry crepe, my dark chocolate and raspberry smoothie (which just about ruined my appetite for dinner as I spent had to take the rest with me in a to-go cup and spent almost 2 hours trying to finish it off!), and my friend's White chocolate with Bailey's smoothie.

La Maison du Macaron4479 de la Roche Montreal, Quebecclosest station - Mont Royaltel: (514) 759-9290www.lamaisondumacaron.com
St. Viateur Bagel3 locations throughout montreal. I went to the one at 1127 Mont Royal Easttel: (514) 528-6361http://www.stviateurbagel.com/content/?id=63
Juliette et Chocolatvarious locations across town.1. 1615 St-Denis2. 377 Laurier Ouest (corner of Parc)3. 3600 St-Laurent (corner of Prince-Arthur)http://www.julietteetchocolat.com