Friday, July 9, 2010

Burgoo Bistro - Comfort food in Vancouver

Ah, it's been a while! I apologize for the lack of updates as other things have been keeping me quite busy in Toronto. However, a big chunk of my time for planning some personal things are now completed and I now have plenty of time on my hands! Soon, I will post up some photos of Toronto eats. Meanwhile, here are more pictures from my trip back in May to Vancouver.

Comfort Food
It was a rainy day (of course!) in Vancouver and we were very hungry! We had originally wanted to go to a Anton's Pasta Bar  but the line up was almost down the block with a wait time of almost 2 hours! Even take-out was no better at 45 minutes. So, with no luck at the pasta bar we checked our extensive list of restaurants (kindly provided by a friend) and ended up at Burgoo. It was raining fairly steadily by the time we reached the bistro, but we managed to squeeze our way into the small waiting area and prop ourselves on a small bench. At first we were told that the wait would be 20-30 minutes as all their tables were full. We agreed, partly because it was too wet to go outside anymore, and mostly because we lacked energy to travel elsewhere. As luck would have it, within 5 minutes, staff offered us bar seating as three spots were open. The bar also served everything on the menu.  
The menu that night included a prix fixe for $18 (+tax). There were four choices for appetizers (two soups, two salads), 'mainstays' (ratatouille provencale, chicken dijonnaise and beef bourguignon) and two choices of dessert (chocolate banana bread pudding & baby banana sundae). We ended up choosing three of their soups and a salad, everyone got the beef bourguignon (partly due to the wet and cold weather), and we all finished dinner with warm banana bread pudding accompanied with vanilla icecream. 
By the time we reached dessert, my companions and I were certain that Burgoo lives up to its claim. It truly is comfort food at its best! The carrot soup was noted to have the taste of carrots with a hint of cream, while the caesar was fresh and crunchy and Dan found his tomato soup tart and refreshing (almost as if there were 30 tomatoes in his soup!). So, perhaps not for those that aren't a fan of tomatoes! Continuing with the trend of enjoyable comfort food, the beef bourguignon was soft and was accompanied with enough sauce to eat with the mashed potatoes. Perhaps it was the weather outside that allowed the food combined with the atmosphere to make a memorable tasting experience for all involved. I'm certain we will come back again! 

Oh and when we go next, we will have to try the Mac 'n Cheese as we saw two versions of it leave the kitchen during our meal. It looked visually appealing, filled to the brim and topped with aged white Cheddar and oven baked. 
Burgoo Bistro
4434 West 10 Avenue.
Vancouver, British Columbia
(604) 221-7839
limited reservations


  1. Ooh, those dishes look great! Mac 'n Cheese is a definite comfort food for me. Have a great weekend!

  2. hehe i just went there on the weekend!

    they've updated their menu so when u come bak, there will be new additions - there's an italian mac & cheese (tomato, basil) and an american one (breadcrumbs)
